Saturday, August 6, 2011

Melissa Anita (มาริสา แอนนิต้า) from FHM Magazine, Thai Movies and Dramas

thai teenz thai model Melissa Anita มาริสา แอนนิต้า 1 Melissa Anita (มาริสา แอนนิต้า) from FHM Magazine, Thai Movies and Dramas
Mixed Thai girls are the best!
Melissa Anita (มาริสา แอนนิต้า) is half Thai half Netherland, she got a huge fan club consisted of all ages both male and female. A few months back this year I saw her at Siam Paragon and here frans were all over her left, right, front and behind lol. This goddess look is truly one of a kind and hmmm.. there is something in her eyes that send out sexy exotic sensation to people around her.
Anyway, Melissa first appeared on NIVIA crème and has been in a few movies called Sia Dai 2 (Regret 2) and Ruk Torng Auean (Must be fat to love). She was a FHM model and now I heard she has her own business and still actively take modeling pictures in several magazines. Check out more of her finest pictures below


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